Sunday, August 30, 2009

First full day at home...

And oh my has it been wonderful! We got into Ketchikan a little after three pm yesterday; Faith's friend Lee picked us up at the airport and drove us home to greet Kona, Maxie and Minnie. I'm not sure if the dog and cats were happier at it or we were, but it was a great gathering. Mostly we spent the evening getting unpacked and organized back into our house, after a month absence for Faith and two months for me. And, of course, walking Kona and playing with the cats. Last night, it was very quiet and dark...something completely absent where we stayed in Seattle.

Today we started with a trip to the airport to pick up a cooler full of food from the apartment and an extra-heavy piece of luggage that we weighed at the Alaska Airline cargo center and decided to send with the cooler. Then we went to a couple of grocery stores -- driving a vehicle of our own, and parking without paying for it -- to replenish our empty refrigerator. We had a great coffee milkshake on the way home -- one made with locally roasted coffee beans. Once we got back home, I cleaned out a pipe point in the gutter to run water to the storage tank, and repaired a door that had gone out of alignment. If all of this sounds pretty normal and not really worthy of reporting -- then we are very happy!

Now we are preparing for the future. On Thursday we leave for Missouri, to see Mom and a bunch of relatives, and to attend my 40th high school reunion. On Monday we fly to Seattle, for an Avastin injection on Tuesday, and then return to home again. We plan to add a blog entry on Sundays, unless something exciting happens in between, so expect to hear from us again while we're in Missouri.

Have a great week...we sure are planning to!

Dennis & Faith


Bill Duncan said...

I am so glad you two are home and the big main treatments are done. It is great news to hear that your MRI shows great results. Your positive attitudes pulled you through. Have a good time in Missouri.

Meg said...

It's so nice to just have a day to bum around your own place isn't it? And I'm sure that Kona was immensely happy to have her parents back. Welcome home!

Martha said...

You rock! Your recovery has been amazing and I hope others in similar situations will be able to gain some insight from you.


Dave Patton said...

You just don't appreciate (or even notice) the plain simple parts of life until something like this puts them in jeopardy. Your animals, your own bed, the freedom of driving to the grocery store. We now see them through a new light. I am fortunate in that I live in Seattle and my inconvenience has been minor compared to what you have had to endure. I just can't imagine how much more difficult it was for you, being so far away from home.

I wish we could have met sooner. I would have joyously opened my home to you and Faith. Any time you have to come to Seattle please let us know. We would love to have you stay with us. We have a big home with two guest bedrooms. We are only 20 minutes from Virginia Mason and 2-miles from SeaTac airport. We can arrange for the use of a vehicle for you (or we can provide transportation). My contact information is on an email that I will be sending to you as soon as I finish this post.

Good luck on your travels and your reunion. I’m serious about the invitation.

Dave Patton

Jackie Groce said...

Hi Dennis,

I'm glad you and Faith were able to go home and that your initial treatments are completed. Keep getting better and stronger!
