Monday, August 3, 2009

Gary leaves; Faith returns...

Today was a big change in my company. Gary flew back to Colorado early this afternoon, after two weeks of staying here and helping me out. He got well-acquainted with staff at the hospital, and I'm pretty sure they will miss him now that he's gone home. I don't think he's going to miss the heat much, but he did like some of the technicians giving treatments to me quite a lot. And rightly so...they are several steps above most that you encounter, even if the others are pretty good. Then Faith arrived in the early evening, after two weeks at our home taking care of lots of things that needed caring and attention. It's great to have her back; we celebrated with Montana mule deer steaks for dinner! Yum-oh was that good; it was also good that it has finally cooled off enough here that I could actually cook dinner without heating the whole apartment up.

Today is also the start of week three of my treatments, and the start of week five of our stay in Seattle. So, while I am only a third of the way through my radiation and chemotherapy -- we are half way through our two months here. The notion that our time is starting to slide downhill toward our trip home is a really good one. I do appreciate what all the medical folks here are doing for me, and I am certain that it is necessary, but I will be very happy to return to Alaska after the second phase is finished on August 28th.

Thanks for all the comments and support you have been giving us...

Dennis & Faith

1 comment:

Scott said...

Even tho I have been out of internet range for the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking of you. As ironic as life is so much of the time, you were right that having tagged along with you during this crazy time, have provided some key insight and encouragement to my situation in Minneapolis. No more couragious people have I encountered than you and my mother. Inspirational really.