Monday, August 24, 2009

Too much activity for the blog last night...

We forgot to do the blog last night, and it was a good thing! It was relatives here to see us that led us into talking late into the night (for me, anyway) and just not get a blog entry done. Heather arrived Saturday -- in the limo, of course -- and yesterday evening cousin Kevin from Iowa drove in. He first went to Portland for visits with relatives there, then drove to Seattle. He brought an array of photos gathered up from a variety of sources, many of them from the 30's, 40's and 50's. Fascination with them is one reason we forgot to do this...

This morning will be my second Avastin injection, first thing today at 8:00 am. They come on a Monday, every two weeks. Then will come the standard chemotherapy, followed by radiation number 26. After today I will have four more days of chemo and radiation -- then fly home to Ketchikan. Yes, this is tremendously significant to both of us, and yes, we are likely to mention it every day!

And so...the last week here for us starts...

Dennis & Faith

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