Thursday, August 13, 2009

Returns of rain and a friend...

Today had a pair of good features. For one, rain has returned to Seattle. After a couple months of real shortage, rain seems to have returned in a normal fashion. We've also been informed that the same is true at our home, Ketchikan, which has had lots of rain over the past few days. This is important knowledge to us for a variety of reasons, among which is the fact that our dog Kona now has streams in the roadside ditches to get her drinking water from. This makes her much happier.

The other good feature of today was the overnight visit of our friend Elisabeth. She came in yesterday, and spent the night and most of today here with us. She and I took a nice walk around Swedish and Harborview Hospitals, while Faith was accomplishing a bunch of her work in the apartment. Like everyone else we've taken out to see it, she was impressed by the features of the 1931 original hospital building. It is definitely worth the time to go look at it, if you're in the area.

Every day is a celebration these days, as the treatments are coming to a conclusion, and our return home looms ever closer.

Here's hoping you have a good weekend...

Dennis & Faith


Bill Duncan said...

Good to hear that it's raining and a lot cooler up there. It's always good for the brown dog to get fresh water in the streams and for you and Faith to get some sanity from the weather.

It's great to see that you are on the downhill run for your treatments. Keep hanging in there. We are thinking of you.

Unknown said...

Here is a website you have to check out when you want a chuckle.
They have cats, dogs and some very funny look alike pictures.
