Thursday, August 27, 2009

One more day!

Today was a reasonably easy day, with only one meeting outside the normal treatment. That was an interview to gather information for a potential story about my experience and approaches to dealing with my brain tumor. That was from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, then Faith returned and shortly afterward Erin and Glen headed back to LA. Having both daughters here the last week of treatment was really grand; we had wonderful conversations and information-sharing.

Treatment went well, though it was an extremely good feeling to go into it knowing that this was the next to last radiation event. Anything like this moves an individual downhill, and that is certainly true of me. That is expressed in a number of individual ways that are usually somewhat different on each patient, though headaches, nausea, hair loss, burnt skin and smells that aren't really outside are pretty common. My headaches are pretty minor; I have yet to vomit, though the feeling is there a lot; I definitely need a mohawk haircut; my skin needs daily treatment; and we have defined the scent as the "inside the skull smell of dead cancer cells". So, while I feel nowhere near as good as I did, say, six months ago -- relatively considered, I have done very well the past six weeks.

Tomorrow, the last day, has a pile of meetings, services, and the final treatments. We'll be happy to eat dinner and go to sleep in our Baroness Hotel apartment tomorrow night -- but not nearly as happy as we will be to get on the Alaska Airlines flight the next day.

Take care, and we'll let you know the story from the final day of these treatments tomorrow night...

Dennis & Faith


Kittitaswanderers said...


We have been watching your progress throughout your treatments and just want to say congratulations on having one more day left. Joanne said they used to give their patients a certificate and a cake to celebrate their last day of treatments when she worked in oncology. She says she would love to give you one but unfortunately that won't be possible.

Many thanks to you and Faith for keeping us posted so well on your stay in Seattle. We're sorry we didn't get over more to visit but maybe we can see you next summer sometime in you home state. Take care and know that we do think of you often.

Jo & Lar

Lauren said...

Homeward bound, Dennis! Homeward bound!

Denise Tomlin said...

Stands With Phone! It's Friday afternoon, so you'll be on the plane tomorrow to go home. How wonderful! Sending strong thoughts your way.