Sunday, September 6, 2009

HOME at Last...

As things go it was the happiest day of my life to bring Dennis home to Alaska a week ago yesterday. The weather was cool and rainy and wonderful when our friend Lee picked us up at the airport. Leaping out of the car I unlocked the front door to find Kona dog asleep on her dogbed in the kitchen. When she realized Dennis was at the door calling her she wiggled at both ends at once and it was just so heartwarming to see them together. When the cats came out they both couldn't believe we were home, and curled around us asking to be picked up and hugged. It was a glorious homecoming, like no other.

As healing goes, coming home has meant better sleep, darkness, and more appetite for Dennis. Over the next three days we received and unpacked four boxes sent from Seattle, went on numerous dog walks (Dennis), picked huckleberries and salal (Faith) and began to settle into our Alaskan daily routine.

By Thursday we were off again, this time on planes bound for Missouri, and Dennis' 40th high school reunion-and a surprise 85th birthday party for Betty, his mother. Can I say it was a great success, particularly the look on Betty's face when the family greeted her for her party? Thanks to Marian and Chris for helping me organize the party-they are awesome!
Faith went with me to a couple of parties for my 40th year class reunion -- I graduated from Trenton High School in 1969 and the joint reunions are held over Labor Day weekend every year. I went alone in 1989, to my 20th, and brought Faith along to my 30th in 1999. It was fairly questionable whether or not I would be able to make it, but as I grew closer to the end of treatments, I went ahead and bought the tickets. I knew then I could make it, and truly wanted to. The "Class of 1969" event Saturday night was quite enjoyable for me, and my classmates were largely knowledgeable about my situation -- mostly because they heard about and read this blog! They were very kind and supportive, and I really appreciated their many conversations with me.
I also liked the party for Mom a lot -- she told me it was the first time in her life that anyone had pulled off a secret party for her without her knowing about it in advance. Lots of our family relatives showed up, and it was great to see them and visit.
Tomorrow we fly back to Seattle, and on Tuesday I have my third Avastin injection in the morning and a meeting with Dr. "B" early in the afternoon. Then it's back to the airport and flight 69 home to Ketchikan. So once again, after a wonderful trip and visits with classmates and family, we will return to our dog and cats with joy. My condition is improving day by day, and my appetite is improving daily. Every day that I feel a little better, I can do a little more, and that makes me feel even better. Who knows -- perhaps I will be able to venture out on my goat hunt by the end of the month!
We hope you have all had a great holiday weekend as well...
Dennis & Faith


Pete said...

Way to go, Dennis! Thanks for the update. I've avoided a lot of those high school reunions, but there comes a time when maybe it's important to check back. But what's MORE important is to get out on a goat hunt. I've read everything Robert Traver (Anatomy of a Murder) wrote and he said about white tailed deer, ruffed grouse, and brook trout: "it's not that the pursuit of these is so important, it's that the other affairs of man seem so trivial in comparison and the places where these animals are found is far from the travails of human kind." I'm paraphrasing from memory but that's the gist. There's some powerful thinkin' to be had in those places. Moose trip with Art is coming up at the end of the week. Yee haw! Take care, my friend.

Denise Tomlin said...

Stands With Phone! Hooray for you, home again. And wonderful that you went to the class reunion and birthday party. Thanks for helping the rest of us look at priorities in a new light. You rock!

Sheila said...

Hi Dennis-- glad you are back in town. I'm looking forward to seeing you walking Kona along Mud Bight in the mornings... I've missed your smile and waves to me as I head into town! :) Sheila