Friday, August 28, 2009

Phase 2 Done and we are Goin' home!

Our last day in the city has finally arrived. was cooler and cloudy by afternoon. We awoke early for an appointment at the MRI facility across from the hospital. Realizing we had only one more night in Seattle and we'd be flying tomorrow I burst into tears. It was that kind of day, full of relief and thanks to all those who have helped along the way, including all our visitors, friend, colleagues that have been tracking us on the blog.

Today at about three thirty Dennis rang a bell outside the radiation room three times to symbolize his treatments were finished. The entire radiation team applauded and presented him with a certificate for accomplishing his program. He gave them many compliments for their care and their awesome attitude-they truly have a touch job. Afterwards we went for a walk and ate coffee ice cream bars to celebrate.

It was a monumental day-right before going in for radiation we got the MRI results back from that morning-the report from the radiologist, and later his doctor agreed that there were few perceptible dye enhanced cells indicating cancer. There was a symmetry that had returned to his brain, the folds and fissures were well defined, the blood vessels seemed intact, the optical nerve seemed good. These were very good results.
Today the medical records that will travel with us whenever he goes for treatment also arrived. Imagine a file folder three inches thick and you will have a sense of his records. We returned from his last appointment quite exausted but ready to eat leftovers and pack.
Faith and I have been going through celebration flurries throughout the day. Every step we took ended one more thing needing to happen -- on the last day of this phase. First was the MRI, which produced outstanding results. Then came the second application of the cognitive test, designed to see how well my brain functions were recovering from the tumor and the surgery. I did much better this time than the first one, showing improvement in several parts of it. Then I had the 30th and final application of radiation. The crew there is terrific, and served us throughout the six weeks as both highly competent and very caring and friendly. One couldn't possibly ask for a better crew. Finally, at the end of the day, we met with the doctor providing the overall management and direction for all the medical treatments I've been getting since my surgery. She was extremely pleased with the results of my treatments, particularly as shown by the MRI, and congratulated us on how well the treatment had gone.
I will have chemotherapy for the next year, and more MRI's and exams, as well as meetings with doctors and other people. But a great point has been reached, and I go home to build my condition and abilities back as much as I can. And I get to fish a little, and go hunting this fall. Life feels good right now, and once we get back to Alaska, it will feel a lot better.
We will cut our blog entries to once a week on Sundays, unless something really exciting happens. And we'll be back at our home mailing address, so you can use that again if you want to.
Thank you so much for your love, support and thoughts...
Dennis and Faith


Lauren said...

Have a safe flight you two! Great job fighting and staying focused! My prayers for healing and big fish will continue!!

Pigtails said...

Dennis and Faith,

I feel your joy....

Some toons....or is that tunes?

Hugs and kisses-

The Samuelson Family said...

Glad to hear the good news!!

Unknown said...

We are so happy that you are done with this round! Your news sounds great! Looking forward to seeing you both soon.

Love ya, Jenny

Pete said...

Dennis- good news indeed! Now it's time to rest up, heal up, and... bait up! The restorative powers of fresh salmon on the grill have been under estimated.

Unknown said...

We share in your happiness and look forward to visiting soon. Coho are waiting for your return. Well maybe not to be caught but at least to be chased. I guess that also goes for the goat and the blacktail.

Anonymous said...

In Ketchikan when you ring the 'bell' you buy the house a round !!!!

Welcome home ...


Kent Cummins said...

Dennis and Faith,

Outstanding news! I'm sure it's great to return home! Go catch some fish...and some of that sweet blacktail venison is good for the soul! Isaac sends his love!

Dave Patton said...

Hi Dennis, this is Dave. We met at the support group last week. I'm two weeks behind you but am really looking forward to my turn to "ring the bell".

I'm right behind you every step of the way and looking to you for leadership and guidance. I know Lynn says we're all different, but we also share something very unique. Because of you I have started my own BLOG. Boy is it tough to keep up, but very worthwhile. I'll be keeping tabs on you and will continue to follow your strength and courage.

Stay strong! Dave Patton

Unknown said...

Dennis & Faith, Dave and I are thrilled to hear the good news and to see you looking so well. We look forward to your return to Ketchikan and to normalcy. MJ & DJ