Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Relatives coming and going...

Today was a lesser treatment day, with only radiation in the hospital, and the regular pharmaceuticals taken at the apartment. That was a good deal in the family arena, as youngest daughter Heather and cousin Kevin both left this afternoon, and oldest daughter Erin and her friend Glen arrived. Kevin took Heather to the airport, and picked Erin and Glen there and brought them to the Baroness Hotel. A little later, he headed out of town, on his way back to his home in Iowa. This is a week filled with family, and I am very glad to have that comfort as I finish my treatments.

Erin and Glen went with me to my 27th day of radiation. Only three days to go, and I am glad. While I fully grasp the importance, value, and reality of this treatment, after six weeks I am thoroughly ready for it to be done. I am certain that it has been very successful at killing remaining cancer cells, and I am glad for that. I will be happy to be done, though. I will say that the staff that administer this treatment are high on the list of the finest people I have ever been associated with, let alone received life-saving treatments from.

So...just a few more days...

Hope things are going well for you too...

Dennis and Faith


Anonymous said...

Light at the end of this particular tunnel! Still praying for you both.

Pete said...

We're counting down with you, Dennis! That late silver run in Ketchikan waiting for you, too. And we've managed to cool off the weather in Southeast just in time for your arrival.