Saturday, July 25, 2009

The weekend starts...

This morning, the first day of the weekend, I had no real schedule facing me. While the various pills I take have certain time constraints between them, on the weekend days without radiation there is no constraint on when I start. So I could stay a little extra time in bed snoozing, which was pretty nice. And since it was a nice Saturday morning, I made tart cherry scones for breakfast, for a break from weekday practices. I had never made them before -- Faith introduced me to scones and has always made them for us. But I looked the "Sticky Fingers Bakery" bag over carefully, and determined that a product requiring adding 3/4 cup of water and stirring until mixed was one I could easily achieve. And the result proved my assumption to be so. Did I mention that they were really really good?

About ten o'clock this morning my friends Steve and Barbara from Utah arrrived -- they had been north of Bellingham for a few days -- to visit with us and see how I was doing. They enjoyed the scones too, and stayed long enough to go out to lunch and walk around looking at the neighborhood. I really enjoy it when friends come to visit -- it certainly helps me work through my habitation in downtown Seattle. And while Seattle is actually a pretty good city, it is still true that I am really not capable of living within any big city anywhere.

The other part of the weekend that is decidedly nice is that the nearby construction program takes it off, so the sound level reduces greatly during the daytime. This makes it considerably better for hanging out in the apartment and working on the laptop or reading books. Though I do have to say that the construction product is pretty interesting to watch sometimes, so that sort of makes up for the sound level.

Time to meander off to bed...hope all of you reading this are also having a good weekend.

Dennis & Faith, with Gary too


Anonymous said...

We thought about you today when the temps poked up into the 90's... You picked a waaaaay bad time to find yourself down here(giggles).

Glad to hear your first week went smoothly. Ned and I are still sending positive thoughts and prayer your way.

Giant bear hugs to all,
Jane and Ned

Anonymous said...

Good to talk to you this morning. Glad to here you hiking up and down the Seattle hills getting in shape for Revilla mountain goat. Deer season has started for subsistence hunting, jut too darn early...planning on assulting Dall Island in August...will miss you on the well pard...Jim