Monday, July 20, 2009

First day of treatment...

Today was the first day of treatment. I rose at 6:00 am, because I had to eat breakfast and take the first set of pills by 7:00 am. I can't eat for two hours before taking the chemotherapy, and I have to take it an hour before radiation -- which was scheduled for 10:10 am. Thus...this whole effort has become something of a step-by-step schedule. The nice part of it is that I was back in the apartment fixing tomato soup for lunch by 11:00 am.

On the first day, I have no effects from either process. I have 41 days to go, and it is clearly uncertain what effects either or both may have on me. It is likely that there will be some, but every individual varies, so only time will tell. I am shooting for the least, of course... :)>.

In the good news category -- I found a Trader Joe's market close enough to walk to on the Internet yesterday, and walked down there this afternoon, once it had cooled off enough to make it feel good to me. Being from Ketchikan where the average summer temperature runs around 65 degrees does make it a bit tough here when it's running 20 degrees warmer, so I prefer morning and evening jaunts. I'd actually like it a lot if it rained more, but so far that doesn't seem to likely.

My friend Gary from Colorado just called; he's in a taxi headed here from SeaTac Airport and should arrive in a few minutes. So I'll finish up and wait for him to arrive. The next couple of weeks should be fun!

Dennis & Faith

1 comment:

Pete said...

Dennis- thanks for taking the time to post. The weather finally "broke" here and we're back to 60 degree days with strong chance of rain. The 75-80 degree stuff with unrelenting sunshine was getting more and more difficult to take. As Yakutat native Walter Porter said last week, "We've perfected the sun dance" as an explanation for the weather. Well, here's hoping for a little of Southeast's liquid sunshine in your life. I'll give you a holler before I pass through Seattle on my way Back East. I've got a day layover and it would be good to see you. Pete