Friday, July 24, 2009

First week of radiation ends...

Today was the last day of my first week of radiation. So far so good -- the work is very precisely applied, and I'm not having much in the way of reaction to it, if any at all. There is so much going on in my life right now, with radiation, chemotherapy, several other pills being swallowed, and the effect of living in the heart of a city after eight years outside Ketchikan, that it's a little hard to tell. Since the radiation is given five days a week, Monday through Friday, I won't have it Saturday and Sunday. It will be interesting to see if I notice a difference in physical feeling by Sunday night -- that will be a good clue that I am being affected. So far, with everything else going on, it's a little hard to tell what is causing which feeling. One thing I do know -- we will be happy to see the technicians who are running my radiation on Monday. They are a grand set of young men and women -- all of them are in their early 30's; they are positive about their work; very happy to see us; and today gave us donuts when we left. And Gary loves visiting with them while they're applying the work to me.

After the work, we went up to Oncology to reschedule the appointment I apparently had with Dr. Otero on Tuesday, though I had no paperwork. They were very nice, and reset it for the 31st. Afterwards I went in for the first of many blood tests I will have -- at least one a week, to see how various treatments are affecting my blood system. Hopefully I will hear these results on Monday.

After that life was pretty peaceful -- lunch, then a really nice nap, and later a good dinner. My Mom and two good friends called later, and after dinner Gary and I took a nice walk in the cool evening air. The purpose, if such a thing actually applies to an evening walk, was to find the ATM in the Swedish Hospital. Which we did, and just like my credit union said, there is no fee for pulling cash. Which is a good thing, in big cities.

That pretty much finishes the day. Thanks for your support and thoughts...

Dennis and Faith, along with Gary

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