Sunday, July 5, 2009

Headed South

We are headed "south" tomorrow-in Alaska speak that means off island and to the lower 48.
Our last night at home (for Dennis 55 days) is really bittersweet. It was beautiful weather, and Kona and I got in some gardening therapy in by going to the nursery. We spoke to or had visits with many family and friends, who had also had good 4ths in their own ways. We packed the last box of stuff to send to Seattle tomorrow morning. Kona and I went to the Frog Pond, a special place to walk in the summer-and I picked salmonberries that were just turning ripe We had dinner on the deck again, this time including our own steamed rainbow chard. Kona carefully observed every bite of the salad we were eating and was disappointed there was little meat. The sunset was pink as the robins called way into the twilight anda few errant fireworks were let off.

We are ready to embark on this next part of the journey, and no matter where is takes us, the comfort of home will linger and draw us back when we have beat this cancer into the ground. The next time you hear from us we'll be in our apartment in Seattle. Cheers, Faith and Dennis

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