Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Begins

Mileposts help you guide your progress, and for Dennis these are important. This morning Dennis realized he had not used an ice pack last night. While there is still swelling at the incision site, it slowly goes down and his pirate headgear is beginning to approach a fashion statement. Complete with sunglasses, and you have a rather suave biker look. He even got some consulting work in today! See the pirate without his parrot to left.

Anyway, it was Minnie cat's day to feel bad. Having lost two pounds since May blood tests showed thyroid levels 5 times higher that of normal. So now Minnie and Maxie are on thyroid controlling pills. Although Kona manages to nose the cats into line most of the time, she just nuzzled Minnie today. Everyone here is a little raw still.

July4th approaches. For Dennis and myself this has always meant parades and pies and rootbeer floats and rubber duck races in Ketchikan Creek. We are both looking forward to spending the holiday at home and at a much more subdued pace than in past years.

Many friends have mentioned that they may want to visit while in Seattle-that would be wonderful!! Since we have yet to know how each day will shape up, please call us ahead of time.
We'll let you know how Dennis is doing and how we can see you. My cell is 907-821-0022.
Looking forward to hearing from you, Faith and Dennis


Unknown said...

Tell me that's not a soap opera on the TV in the background.

Pat and Carolyn Heuer said...

Dennis ,
Good to see your smiling face. I like the new look and the knife on your hip is classic Dennis which is great to see! The kings have been biting good here in Sitka. The daily updates are great Faith. Thanks so much for keeping us posted.

Pat, Carolyn and Emma