Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Afternoon service is a good thing...

Today I tried something different in Radiology. Rather than having my radiation between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, we scheduled it for 2:50 pm. I discussed this yesterday with the great crew that provides my treatment every day, and they were happy to make the switch for a couple of days to try it out. Wow -- was there a difference in today's outcomes, at least in how I felt all day. For one thing, I was able to do some work this morning, while I felt good from sleeping reasonably well during the night. I could also spread the morning pill-taking out over more time, which I think helped too. After they finished the radiation this afternoon, I asked them to see if I could be rescheduled to the afternoon for the rest of my treatments. They started looking to see if they could; I will get the answer tomorrow. They were very supportive and want to help me in any way they can, so I have hopes for the next four weeks.

Earlier this afternoon, our friend Elizabeth arrived for the day to visit with us. She had never met Gary, but was happy to do so -- in part because he's here helping me and in part because he set up the Texas pig hunt I went on with him in February. Yes, Elizabeth does love that free-ranging, organic pork I brought back to Ketchikan from Texas! And she went with us to Radiology and got to meet and visit with the folks there who do the work on me every day.

The only problem we're having here is that it is way hotter than could possibly be pleasant. Record-breaking may be a mild discussion of what's going on here in Seattle, and it's even warmer in Oregon and California. But it ran at least 101 degrees here today; the previous record was 95 degrees in 1971 -- according to the weather report on my laptop, anyway. In any event, I spent no more time outside than it took me to walk across the street and into the hospital, We did stay there for several hours after the treatment, though -- sitting in the nice seats in the lobby talking and reading newspapers. Did I mention it was air conditioned in there and not in the apartment?

So...if you want to hope for anything for us this week...hope for mysteriously cooler weather. A high of, say, 71 degrees would be very nice, particularly if the night-time temps ran around 57 degrees.

Today was a very good day, despite the heat. Thanks for your support and thoughts...

Dennis & Faith, with Gary


PamelaJ said...

As an evening person myself, I am pleased the switch in appointments made your day easier. So, glad to hear you are not having any significant icky negative reactions to the treatments. Will add cooler weather to my pray list for you and all of the Pacific NW. We are struggling with 85 here, don't want to imagine 20 degrees hotter.

Pat and Carolyn Heuer said...

Glad to hear all is going well and it's cooling off. sounds like you couldn't ask for better doctors and hospital staff, which is great!

Sitka weather has been nice - mostly sunny and in the 70's, going to hike up tonight and spike out for an opening day deer hunt tomorrow. I need to get in better shape before the goat hunt in sept. it's good it's cooling off down your way so you can resume your fittness regime also.

Will look forward to future updates and more good news.

- - Pat