Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A good day a couple of ways...

Today was a shift back to a pretty good day, with an added bonus at the end of it. First and foremost, I woke up feeling pretty good -- in fact quite a bit better than the past few days. I had to get up at 5:00 am, because my radiation was scheduled for 9:20, which meant I had to finish eating by 6:20, and take all the medication that is to be taken with food by then. Then I had to wait two hours and take the chemotherapy. So this is a little cramped early in the morning, though I felt good throughout the process. After the radiology was over, I asked the crew about the value of rescheduling for the afternoon, at least to see if having the morning available for working and take the treatments toward the end of the afternoon might be worthwhile. They agreed, and one walked me over to his computer for planning it out. They had 2:50 pm available for the next two days, so agreed to reroute me to those times. This is great support on their part -- because now I can test it out. If it seems a lot better, I think we'll reschedule. I love working with those folks...they are greatly determined to help their patients, and it shows.

The other great thing that happened is that my cousin Jenny from Missouri came to visit. She is here for a conference, and was able to spend the afternoon and evening with Gary and I. She's a 7th & 8th grade science teacher in her town in North Missouri, and really enjoyed both the conference and a chance to catch up with me and what is going on, medically and otherwise. It was a grand visit, and by 8:30 or so it had cooled off enough that I could get a badly needed walking exercise by walking her to her hotel, and then walking back to my apartment.

So far, so good...off to bed...more info tomorrow.

Dennis & Faith, with Gary

1 comment:

Heather Neill said...

That is awesome that you got to see Jenny! And rescheduling the radiology sounds good...less cramped in the morning! It has been hot here too...hopefully it will cool down soon. :) Love you!