Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Negotiating the Maze

OK, it was 84 degrees today. After both of us working at our computers and respective desks we realized it was 5 pm and we had no air conditioning. It was getting stuffy and there was no breeze. Also the wifi bounced in and out like a rubber ball in a handball court. ARGGH matey! Tomorrow there are no appointments-we'll go to the library!
The day started out with an emphasis on chemotherapy, and ended up with the filling of prescriptions. It turns out getting chemotherapy drugs through the mail is quite a maze. Luckily we diverted where the drug company was going to send the drugs (Ketchikan, Alaska) to where we need the drugs (Seattle, Washington). Phew! That would have screwed up the schedule as they say. Does anyone have a Marauder's Map a la HarryPotter to help us get through the end of this week?
While we were wading through this logistical morass Dr. Primrose appeared-none other than the brain surgeon that operated on Dennis 4 weeks ago to the day. Dennis quickly removed his pirate chapeau and let the surgeon reflect on his handiwork. He declared Dennis looking well and the scar healing well.
Tomorrow we look forward to the arrival of Dennis's neice who is about to embark on her Master's program in marine science. Until then, Faith and Dennis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can hardly wait to hear what you guys thought of the library!!! What did you think of the "red floor"? Did you see the children's section? Did you buy stuff at the gift store?

I hope you had a good time and I didn't send you on a wild goose chase. Those aren't any fun with out a gun.
