Friday, July 3, 2009


Well, it's about 65 degrees at 8:30 pm in this island world-was in the 70's today for sure. Dennis comes in from walks with wild strawberries or salmonberries. Kona snoozes peacefully by the screen door. Fireworks are heard in the distance as the " red sky at night, sailor's delight" takes over the sky.

Today we shipped 56 pounds of frozen food to Seattle on Alaska Airlines freight. They promptly called us a few hours later and let us know it was in the freezer at the airport in Seattle. We'll pick it up Monday on the way in to the hotel. It may seem silly, but we are convinced our own healthy fish and game meat will support Dennis's recovery. Dennis seems to be more relaxed, feeling good and eating well. We already have appointments with the nuero oncologist and radiation oncologist Tuesday.

It promises to be an awesome Fourth of July. I am looking forward to marching in the parade, and Dennis is looking forward to rootbeer floats. And, no, we don't have the skinny on why Alaska's Governor stepped down. Happy Independence Day everyone! from Faith and Dennis


Unknown said...

Happy 4th! I don't think shipping your own food is silly at all! I completely agree with you! Nothing like Alaska fish!!! We are going to Florida this year. My next vacation destination is ALASKA!!!! I want some of that fish! Take Care, love ya, jenny

Anonymous said...

Then see you downtown ... Moose Club Tacos ... St John's Pie Pig Out ... or at the free RootBeer floats ...

Be cool !!!!!!!!!