Monday, July 6, 2009

A Seattle Place

We flew off Revilla Island and landed one and a half hours later in Seattle. We are now ensconced in Casa Neill on the 5th floor of the Baroness Hotel directly across the street from Virginia Mason Hospital, smack dab in the center of the First Hill neigborhood. It is a city full of noise, which will take getting used to. The apartment is comfortable, and has a sofabed for visitors. Tomorrow Dennis has his first two appointments with the nuero oncology team.

We were sad to leave our animals, home, and garden. Kona refused to stay in the kitchen, and ventured out onto the front steps as we tried to move our bags to the car. She and I had had a talk earlier in the morning as I brushed her. We hope she stays healthy so that she can help Dennis stay healthy in 55 days.

Excellent news from Ketchikan tonight-the USDA Forest Service received the best performance award in the July 4th parade! Yahoo! Great job everyone! Talk with you tommorow, Faith and Dennis


Heather said...

way to go, Faith! And everyone else in the parade! :) Love you

Denise Tomlin said...

Stands With Phone! Who knew it was a pirate name?? Brings to mind all the things that come up on Talk Like a Pirate Day - one of my favorite holidays: What's a pirate's favorite restaurant? Aaarrrby's. What does a pirate read in the paper? Aaaarrrticles.
What's a pirate's favorite appetizer? Stuffed Aaaarrrtichokes. Glad to hear you're safely in the Seattle neighborhood. Stay strong! Denise

Heather Neill said...

Hey you know? You can change your facebook profile language to pirate. It's pretty funny. Now that you are one, you should do that. I am at work, and I am bored. Love love love.