Saturday, July 18, 2009

New helpers for a little while...

Faith returned to Ketchikan this morning, to take care of our house, our pets and her work up there for a couple of weeks. She showed me how to write for this blog, and called from home once she got there. I talked to Kona, who misses me almost as much as I miss her. While I wish I could be home too, I know it will be good for Faith to spend some time there before she comes back to spent the last part of my treatments helping and supporting me.

Fortunately, my niece Lyndell came in Thursday, and is staying through tomorrow. We walked down to see "Bite of Seattle" at the Seattle Center today, then went into the Science Center to see the displays and exhibits there. Pretty good food, and interesting things to look out. That, with a good walk that made me feel in better shape, made for a great day.

My friend Gary is coming in Monday for a couple of weeks -- so I've had and will continue to have good company and will have plenty of support and assistance, if I need it. Monday I start radiation and chemotherapy, so sooner or later I will know what kind of help, if any, I need. Key point is everything that's done to me will help kill remnants of cancer, and that is the most important action right now. I plan to kill it until it's dead, and then just keep killing it.

This is my first Blog effort, but I'll be keeping it up while Faith is home. Hope you enjoy my views on things...and thanks for your support and thoughts.

Dennis & Faith


Lauren said...

Dennis, I love that sense of humor! You passed it on to Heather and that is the thing I love the most about her! I'm rooting for you here in Colorado, and you are on the prayer list of my best friend's work over at Joni and Friends in California. Kill it, Dennis. Kill it dead!

Unknown said...

Dennis, now that you are writing the blog, all of us will be on the alert to see if those language centers get confused. I can't wait to see if you launch another slightly off-kilter legendary phrase, such as "orange chickens" for dungies (yes, Skippy gossips about you all the time....). When I visited you, I did not note anything of that sort happening, which was kind of disappointing because it does have some entertainment value.

103 here today. Hard to work in the yard with that kind of heat (just ask Matt). Watched a fire column up from my back deck this afternoon. Certain it was a Modoc event, I was quite cocky. Unfortunately, it was from my Forest. Another harsh reminder to keep humble before all things....

Kill it dead for you, Faith, and all the rest of us. I have no doubt you will. Love, Patty