Friday, July 17, 2009

A Little Alaska in Seattle

Today was one of those really warm days where you searched for the shade at each intersection before moving into the hot sun. Us Alaskans were dripping! Lyndell thought it was pleasantly cool (but she is from Missouri) Dennis and Lyndell went off to explore the Central Library and were amazed.
In the afternoon Dennis received the final work up (two x rays with his mask on) to adjust and orient the mask related to his radiation treatments. He met the team of radiation techs that will be implementing the radiation oncology perscription five days a week. This is IMRT, or intensity-modulated radiation therapy. That is where CT scans images are used to design a unique treatment regimen for each patient. Radiation, along with the oral chemotherapy Temodar, begin on Monday. His schedule is very busy and intense in the mornings, which should work out well for resting and doing activities in the afternoon. Everyone there was really helpful down to taking requests for music during the approximate 20 minute procedure.
For dinner at Chez Neill the pirate made grilled Alaskan salmon. The entire meal was an epicurean delight as the photo suggests. More later, Dennis and Faith


Scott said...

Damn that salmon looks good. Back in Sitka from Yakutat TLT. Some progress of sorts. Lovin the dew ragg brother.

Unknown said...

So glad you liked the library! Makes me want to go again. Looks like that beard is already growing back. You are going to be close to that barber.


Unknown said...

I will arrive in Seattle on the 26th, conference during the day on the 27th and 28th, and the conference gets over the 29th at noon and we will leave shortly after that. I have cleared it with my principal to leave the group in the evening to come see you. I will call you when it gets closer to that time. Love ya, Jenny