Sunday, July 19, 2009

Last day before treatments...

Today was the last day before my new life begins...with intensive treatment to kill the cancer left in my brain beginning tomorrow morning. Chemo comes first seven days a week, followed by radiation each morning Monday through Friday. Both are carefully designed to be focussed where they are needed. I'm more than ready for this work to point of fact I would have liked it to start a week ago. But the Dr's and staff have been carefully planning and measuring and preparing, particularly for the radiology, and it is finally time to begin. I'll let you know how it affects the rest of my body, but what it will do inside my skull is really all that matters at this moment.

Today was a quiet and peaceful day. Lyndell and I did our laundry, then walked down to the library and spent a peaceful afternoon there. Her friend is picking her up this evening, and they're heading east for Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota and other points tomorrow morning. Her visit with us has been grand; next time we plan to visit her in her upcoming new home in North Carolina while she completes her Master's Degree there.

Thank you all for your support and thoughts, and all the love and caring you makes a difference in our lives.


Bill Duncan said...

I've been praying for you bro. I know you'll get through this and be back in the fields, woods, rivers and ocean in no time. Hopefully you've got some good music to keep you company in there. Wish I could be there to help. We are all thinking of you here in the sweltering heat of Tracy, CA.

PamelaJ said...

Believe in your healing, know you are in my prayers for strength for each day, wisdom in decisions and peace to fill you throughout the weeks to come.

Sounds like you have discovered a few great places in Seattle like the Library and outlets within Pikes Place Market.

Taking your own music for the therapy is a great idea. Having recently tried to lie still during an MRI listening to weird hip-hop, I know better now to have my own.

Scott said...

So good to talk today. You sound great. Good medicine my friend.