Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

How we love a parade! And the sun shown! In Ketchikan it always starts with a flyover by Eichner's helicopter towing a ginormous American flag. Yahoo! The look on people's faces when they see Smokey Bear, and marvel as Sammy Salmon and Woodsy Owl wave at them...especially thousands of kids. That makes the Fourth for me... Dennis returned to driving and waited at the federal building for the parade to pass. He was definitely in his element and felt good all day.

Maybe it was that therapuetic apple pie from St. John's-it just tasted all that much better this year. There was a classic car show and above the parking lot bald eagles reviewed the human shenanigans, including local kids diving into Thomas Basin for tourist money. It was nice to be with friends and hang out- we returned to have our supper on the deck-luckily there were no insects to speak of. Fireworks begin late tonight from the Pennock Island barge. Yippee!

Tomorrow we pack. I am finishing a quilt for a friend, so I had better get to it. Hope your holiday was as fun, love from us, Faith and Dennis


Heather Neill said...

Happy 4th! I am so happy (and amazed) that the sun was out today, I remember when I was there on the 4th it was a constant, serious downpour all day! But still fun, so I'm sure you had a great time! I'm so glad you got to send down some good food...everything you put in your body from here on matters! (unfortunately). ;) LOVE YOU!!!!!

Unknown said...

We certainly missed you in Missouri for the 4th. Although it rained off and on all day long, had to change location of the BBQ, we still managed to have a good time. Thinking of you still, Love, Jenny

PamelaJ said...

The photo is awesome! You can have a new career in pirate films or reading pirate stories to kids.

What a good idea to take Alaska fish and vension with you. Are you staying at the Baroness? I have visited friends who stayed there. It is a great location and quite comfortable.

Juneau came close to breaking high temperature records this weekend. Good for the garden though, we had our first lettuce and first strawberries.

Your courage is an inspiration. You both continue in my prayers for complete healing, strength and wisdom. The spoken word has great power. God's word on healingis with us today. Speak the healing you believe in.