Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adapting to conditions...

Today we had a newly developed system of adapting to the high-heat weather pattern -- we went into the hospital way early -- Gary eating in the cafeteria before my afternoon Radiology session, then us sitting in the lobby and reading after my treatment. Did I mention it's air-conditioned in both places? While we were sitting in the lobby, a lady came wondering through giving everyone popsicles. We had also gotten popsicles handed out in the elevator when we were headed that way. We decided we prefered the cherry flavors to the orange ones, but were happy they were handing any out. We've also been eating at the wonderful Rhododendron Restaurant in the Inn at Virginia-Mason, which is about 75 feet from our hotel. The food is outstanding; the prices are quite reasonable; and they are air-conditioned! Unlike cooking supper in my un-air-conditioned apartment, which has been out of the question in the heat of the last few days.

Switching my radiology treatment to mid-afternoon has proven to be a real bonus. I can easily do work in the morning, before I apply chemotheraqpy and receive radiation. I eat more before taking the chemo, though I still stay at the "two hours without food" plan before taking it. Doing it after lunch seems to work much better for me than doing it after breakfast. The folks in Radiology supported the change, and today gave me the revised schedule though the end of my treatments. To say I am grateful to them for making the change a third of the way through would be an understatement.

Today proved to be significantly cooler than yesterday, which topped out at 105 degrees, though it was still in the high 90's. At this moment -- 9:30 pm -- it has dropped to 78 degrees, and is reportedly moving to the 60's tonight. What a climatic relief that will bring us! Sleep under those temperatures will be a major blessing, at least to those of us from cooler climates.

Things are going well; in fact better than a few days ago. Here's hoping things are going well in your lives too...

Dennis & Faith, with Gary


Kittitaswanderers said...


Glad to hear things are still going well and that your afternoon appointments are all in place. We are also glad to hear you and Gary are finding ways to beat the heat. Just think, when they come out with a tee shirt that reads "I survived the hottest day ever in Seattle" you and Gary can be proud members. LOL

Keep up the good work. We think about you often.

Jo & Lar

Katie D said...

Thinking of you all. I saw three bucks the other day, but haven't had time to shoot anything, plus the weather is so hot it would have to be a quick hang and without the boys home it could be more than I want to deal with. Take care of each other and know we are here if you need anything. I'm trying to pick lots of berries, so if you would like some let me know.
Katie Dawley