Saturday, August 1, 2009

Walkin' to REI...

What a great change from Wednesday and Thursday today was! The temperature at noon was at least 20 degres cooler; but the temperature at night was even lower by comparison. When I woke up at 6:15 this morning, after sleeping very well, I fired up my laptop to find the temperature was a mild 61 degrees. With a small fan blowing the cool night air into my bedroom, I slept better than I had in days.

About 8:30 this morning, Gary and I launched our walk to REI. (For anyone who doesn't know, it's a great recreation/outdoor gear store, originally established in 1938.) According to my Mapquest map, it was 1.15 miles from my apartment. This seemed like a good walking distance on a cool morning, and so it was. We made no particular effort to move fast; instead we enjoyed the walk and the views, and arrived a bit after they opened at 9:00 am. The staff was friendly, and the store was fun to wander around in. I even bought a small, multi-functional tripod to use with my camera and small version spotting scope; and a bottle of "multilevel protection sun block" to help protect my skin. Happily, not only were both items relatively inexpensive -- they were both made in the State of Washington. A grand visit, and a nice walk.

No radiation today or tomorrow, but I took the Temodar on the same schedule for the weekdays with radiation, since it's been moved to the afternoon. That fit nicely with our "hike" to REI, as we arrived back at my apartment at the right time to meet that need.

All in all, a really nice day. Hope you had one too.

Dennis & Faith, with Gary

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hi Dennis -
Hiking to REI - great way to spend a day. That's always been one of those stores that I can't walk into without walking out a little (or a lot!) lighter in the wallet! I have to say though, having grown up 30 miles from Seattle and with parents whose REI membership numbers only had 4 digits, that I still miss the original flagship REI building, even though there was no parking and it was several old musty dusty dark buildings/warehouses sort of stuck together with dark narrow hallways. The sort of construction that's not out of place up here in the Last Frontier. The new store is bright and modern and easier to find things, but it sure doesn't have the character it used to .

Still hot and sunny - I was musing yesterday if the good weather made the winning time in the Blueberry Arts Festival Slug Race faster or slower...?

Glad all is going well with your treatments - take care! Becky