Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cool weather here for sure...

It's sometimes amazing what a week can do for the this case, very much in our favor. The temperature here when I went over for my radiation was a solid 62 degrees -- a mere 43 degrees lower than the high last Wednesday! It was so cool today that Faith went from shorts in the morning to jeans in the afternoon when we walked down to the library. Did I mention how much better we like this weather than hot summer days?

On the wi-fi customer service front, we continue our mission to get the system in our hotel fixed. Right now, we typically get our computers kicked off the wi-fi Internet about every 15 to 30 minutes. Then we have to remember the special code and reregister into the ysstem. It's such a difficulty, to say nothing of nuisance, that I emailed the department in the hospital that provides services to patients about the issue. Since they also run both of the hotels next to the hospital, they seemed like the right ones to talk with. I got a response fairly quickly, but when nothing happend in a few days, I sent them another email. This time I got a phone call from a higher-level official there, who promised stronger effort. He has called several times, keeping me informed on their effort and progress. And while it may not happen in our time, it does look like future residents of this hotel will have good wi-fi service available to them. Seems pretty important in the 21st Century to me, so I'm glad they're trying to fix it.

Here's hoping you had a good day too...

Dennis & Faith

1 comment:

Unknown said...

GREAT!!! It cools off after I leave :) Maybe... it was just hot because I was there????? It was great to see you. We are back home from Florida now. It was awesome!
Love ya, Jenny