Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another nice Sunday...

Today is Gary's last day; he leaves tomorrow to return to Colorado. Faith returns from Ketchikan a few hours after he leaves, so I won't have much time "alone" here. While things have gone well for me so far and I am fully capable of functioning by myself -- at this point -- it has been comforting to have people here to take care of "things" for me. Throughout my life, I have mostly thought of helping my friends, and seldom thought of my friends helping me. Now that situation has been reversed, though hopefully not for long, and it is staggering to me how many people care about me. I am fortunate indeed, to have a grand wife and a great measure of friends helping me in one way or another. It has all been somewhat humbling, in a positive and valuable way. Gary's support and help has been wonderful, and I deeply appreciate it. It's way different from going hunting with him, but I'll be back to doing that by next year.

Gary and I left the apartment shortly after 11:00 am, headed for an early lunch at a restaurant we had been to before. On the way we passed a nice-looking pizza place, and decided to have lunch there. Then we saw that on Sunday, they didn't open until 12:00 noon. Hmmm...what to do? Since it was a pleasant and relatively cool morning, with lots of shade on the streets, we decided to take a wandering walk around the neighborhood. We walked by a giant, cathedral-looking church, only to discover that it's a Baptist Church. I've been around a lot of Baptist Churches in the Midwest, and have never seen anything that looks like this one, so I assumed that the current occupant had bought it from someone else when they moved to another site. So we walked all the way around it, and found two interesting, though totally unrelated, facts. One is that, in fact, this church was built by the Baptists in 1869. The other is that the building on the other side of the street is the Polyclinic, and there is easy parking and an entrance. Faith and I have been going to a doctor there for several years, but have been entering from Broadway. This will be a much easier way to get in, I think. And oh by the way -- the pizza was really good.

Here's hoping all of you had a great weekend.

Dennis & Faith, with Gary one more night...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dennis, We are so glad to hear things are progessing well and smoothly for you. We are thankful your side effects are minimal.

I understand what you mean about having others help you - something you don't plan for. And the realization of how many people care enough about you to contribute support to your well-being. It is much like being in the movie 'It's a Wonderful Life'. The outpouring of love and support is so strengthening during an illness.

We pray for your continued well being and strength as you finish your treatment! MJ & DJ