Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Arrgh Matey!

The boat sold today. As the new owner drove the boat out of the driveway I felt a tremendous sense of loss. It wasn't even mine, but all the memories of exploring Alaska came crushing in. I cried as I thought of my first close encounter with a humpback whale and its calf near survey point, and hauling full crab pots up to the deck, and having fun times with the girls fishing. Gathering seaweed to make pickle relish, and hauling my first big silver (and not losing it at the rail)...Dennis, and even Kona was sad. But there will be other boats in our future, and the trip around the island we still want to do. Both Dennis (who is now sporting a pirate-like bandana when going out) and Kona are looking good and feeling even better each day. In fact, Kona pulled a fast one on me today, and got fed two dinners. Now isn't that just like a lab.

The paperwork was filed to participate in the clinical study. The frozen sections of the tumor are going to be examined before Dennis gets accepted. I even spoke to our local doctor to see if he can participate. How wonderful it would be to do the second part of the study, a year long, in Alaska. Unlikely, but we're going to pursue it.

Thanks again for the wonderful letters and cards, we so appreciate each one, and look forward to the many messages on the 24 hour campfire as well. Best, Faith and Dennis


Unknown said...

Dear F and D:

You know the old saying about the two happiest days of a man's life? The day he bought his boat and the day he sold his boat? I know that this day of selling was not because you really wanted to but because you needed to simplify your lives for a bit, so it is not as happy. There will indeed be other boats in your future and just think how happy you've made the new owner (Matt is really mad that his dream boat has escaped him once again - of course, he had temporarily amnesia about the lack of water surrounding his current home... although I bet he would have loved to just have it parked in the driveway in the smoke all summer...).

You need to post photos of Dennis sporting the pirate look. I was impressed with the new hair growth showing in the photo with the quilt - it looked like the mane was on the way back, fast. Good thing you didn't need that Baichtal skin/hair graft. Perhaps the fear of that happening inspired your follicles.

Thanks so much Faith for continuing to post news from the northland. It really helps me to feel connected to you and Dennis while being so far away physically.

Love, Patty

Anonymous said...

You tell Dennis that the pirate-like bandana is called a dang MAMA HAT!!! AND....only the cool of the cool can pull THAT booger off lookin' smooth (gigglin')!!

BTW, Faith, I would have been in tears, as well...but you are right, there will be other boats.

PS....Kona must be related to Big Emma....she has a way with the food dance, and always seems to round the majority of food deals. Has the shape to prove it, too, I might add(grin)

Same ole same ole Bear Hugs to you both,
Jane and Ned

Heather Neill said...

That makes me outrageously sad. I am at work, and I might cry. BUT there will be more boats, you are right. And it is something that does not need to be worried about right now. I will cherish the memories we had in that one...too numerous to count! By the way, I like the pirate look, it suits you. Love you!!!