Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's Sunny in Nome for the 40th running of the Iditarod

Dateline Nome, Alaska . The first day of the 40th running of the last great race. The teams are
racing to the coast A Zirkle and dogs of SP Kennel are ahead!! Deb, Hunter and I have only been on the ground 6 times today the sunset in Nome made it worth it We are here and ready to work.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What the MRI Shows: Good News!

Just a short update while Dennis is off working a Friends of the NRA table at the mall. We just returned from Seattle and a visit with his retina specialist and his oncologist. The new retina scan for his left eye showed about 2 microns of new bleeding below his field of vision. The doctor has chosen to watch it further, no treatments are planned. The MRI was the first new brain scan for four months-and the results were good. There is obvious shrinkage of some of the tunors and absence of some other flourescing areas-they put dye in the MRI-and some new areas to watch-they want to see him again in three months, and decided not to change his low daily dosage of temodar. We both came home feeling really tired but really relieved. So that is the latest. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts, Faith and Dennis