Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Arrgh Matey!

The boat sold today. As the new owner drove the boat out of the driveway I felt a tremendous sense of loss. It wasn't even mine, but all the memories of exploring Alaska came crushing in. I cried as I thought of my first close encounter with a humpback whale and its calf near survey point, and hauling full crab pots up to the deck, and having fun times with the girls fishing. Gathering seaweed to make pickle relish, and hauling my first big silver (and not losing it at the rail)...Dennis, and even Kona was sad. But there will be other boats in our future, and the trip around the island we still want to do. Both Dennis (who is now sporting a pirate-like bandana when going out) and Kona are looking good and feeling even better each day. In fact, Kona pulled a fast one on me today, and got fed two dinners. Now isn't that just like a lab.

The paperwork was filed to participate in the clinical study. The frozen sections of the tumor are going to be examined before Dennis gets accepted. I even spoke to our local doctor to see if he can participate. How wonderful it would be to do the second part of the study, a year long, in Alaska. Unlikely, but we're going to pursue it.

Thanks again for the wonderful letters and cards, we so appreciate each one, and look forward to the many messages on the 24 hour campfire as well. Best, Faith and Dennis

Monday, June 29, 2009

Moving On

Today was eventful in the Neill household. There was lots of activity as the boat was for sale. A box full of personal belongings was mailed to the hotel (Dennis did not want to be without his press coffee pot for his new decaf needs), and for the second day in a row, no tylenol was consumed in the household. Dennis's incision is now pretty well healed shut and his forehead sports an awesome scar. Despite a lot of energy in the morning, by 9 pm both of us are exhausted.

I had a suggestion from a blogeriffic friend today-they suggested that turning off your pop-up blocker might allow you to add comments. Contrary to what I said yesterday, being able to comment is independent of whether you are a follower. This blogmeister also took my pen name back, so now, alas, I am just Faith Duncan, spouse of "Stands with Phone", AKA "Silver Tongue", and "Kicking Bird". All those stories will await another day.... Cheers, Faith

Address Update

I received few e-mails and calls about where you can send cards and letters of well wishes. The post with that information is down the list a bit so here it is again. Dennis and Faith will have their mail forwarded to them after they head down to Seattle next week.

If you would like to make a donation to the fund established to offset the costs of travel and expenses not covered by insurance, here is the information.

Checks made out to: Faith Duncan (his wife)
Send to:

Dennis Neill Donation Account
Alaska USA Bank
2417 Tongass Ave; Suite A
Ketchikan, AK 99901

For those who want to send cards and well wishes (don't send them to the bank address above), you can send them to:

Dennis Neill
P.O. Box 23383
Ketchikan, AK 99901

A Sunday in the Rainforest

Today Dennis and I began preparing to leave Alaska by realizing we wanted to take some of home with us to Seattle for the first seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Things like homemade lox from the last salmon fillets in the freezer and ground venison from some of the deer meat. We also began to realize it will take the week to put this temporary move altogether! We have also heard from family and friends that they will visit, and we are looking forward to many Seattle visitors and to Labor Day - Dennis wants to try and attend his 40th high school class reunion in Trenton, Missouri. Today I overheard him say he feels a "lot better than this time last week (his first day home)." That's really good news....

Today Kona dog and I visited a close friend and excellent acupressure expert, and had our own individual sessions! Joann, it was wonderful, and Kona was overheard snoring on the way home in the car! Right before heading upstairs to bed, I peeked in on the blueberries picked yesterday in the freezer, about 2 gallons worth. I put them in the freezer on jelly roll pans and they were just about ready for the freezer bags. I need to get them out of there because Dennis has decided to remove "those old halibut heads I saved for the crab pots." Sigh....only in Alaska!
Talk with you tomorrow, Faith and Dennis

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Saturday in Southeast

Dennis definitely commented that his head felt better without the staples and that it was worth it despite the increased redness and swelling. Today it rained and was very windy, and thanks to friend Ken for coming over and pressure waching the boat, despite the weather. Faith ran errands and went over Hunter and Deb's place to pick the biggest early blueberries that were ripe-they are awesome and they are going to be made into special jam. Thanks, too, to all those that have sent letters and cards- we read each one and intend to answer them all when we return to Washington. Dennis and I are now planning our July 6th Seattle trip

We understand that some of you have been trying to enter comments on the blogspot, and it will not take them. Since I am new at this I can't really give advice, but perhaps my mentor (and penname) Scott F can chime in and help- I can imagine how frustrating it gets and we so want to hear from you. First, sign up for a free g mail account (go to www.gmail.com) and then join this blog as a follower-you don't have to post your photo, but it is nice. Then, when you sign up to comment, check the anonymous box. Hopefully being a follower will help. Scott F, and other suggestions? I hope this helps. Looking forward to hearing from you. best from D & F

Friday, June 26, 2009

Staples Away!

Today Dennis withstood the staples being removed by a local surgeon and then celebrated with lunch with a close friend and short visits to several venue downtown to advertise his boat. Overall it was an exhausting day for him and he decided to turn in early. It was not without wonderful surprises, including a comfort quilt made for him by the ladies at the Silver Thimble here in Ketchikan delivered to the house (Barb, Bev, Jean, Judy, Linda, Betty, Cheri, Kathy, Jill, what a lovely job). He was thrilled, and agreed to pose with the quilt, Kona the "werdoggie" on the left and the lower lip of the kudu trophy he got in Africa on the right. As we retired for the evening a good ol' southeast rainstorm hit. Kona's last walk was a three towel affair. Thanks for all your good wishes, we'll talk with you tomorrow, Faith and Dennis

A Day of Decisions

Yesterday was a day when Dennis decided what to do next, and thus framed what will happen through September of this year. He has decided to be considered for a clinical trial. This adds the drug commonly called Avastin to the standard radiation and oral chemotherapy regime. Avastin stops the making of blood vessels, and this hits the cancer with a powerful punch. We hope this will give what is left of the cancer cells very little chance to grow again. We have set the date for return at July 6th. It was also a day that I was under the weather, and took off from work. We spent a lot of time considering what is important in life. Kona was much improved, the boat went up on the sale block, and we made arrangements to return to Seattle and Virgina Mason environs. Dennis and I couldn't make it to the Vet's office to get food for all the animals-thanks to our friends for coming to the rescue! I also met with our dog and cat "parent", and we talked over tea about our new household regime. Talk with you at the end of the day, F&D

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mid-Week Virtues

There are definite virtues to sleeping to 6 am: Kona is more willing to walk then, for example. Lately Dennis has been awakening very early, when the sun is up, but today he woke at 6. He goes to sleep about 9 pm and I usually wait to add to the blogspot at the end of the day.
Today was catchup day. I baked apple pies today while Dennis read the mountain of medical records and information, doctor's reports and studies. I think he has made some headway in understanding his condition and his options. I was able to get a few hours of work in in the afternoon. Thanks to three generations of troop Cole from Ketchikan, Dennis's 22 foot Hewescraft fishing boat is now in the driveway. Thanks also to the large numbers of people inquiring, calling and sending letters, and bearing gifts-we are overwhelmed by everything from the time you spend with us to banana bread sales to Alaska Airlines passes. Thank yous just don't seem to be able to reflect how we feel.
Kona must be feeling better. She greeted me with her traditional stuffed plush game bird in her mouth when I returned home tonight.
The staples in Dennis's incision are due to come out Friday. Another milestone in a week already filled with them. Talk with you tomorrow, F&D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Week After Surgery

The day dawned foggy and cool and it had rained overnight. Dennis wanted to go to town today and talk to friends. I covered his incision with gauze squares, then a roll, and he wore a blue surgeon's hat, which covers his head. There are thousands of visitors on the Ketchikan streets this time of year, and many are in a hurry returning to cruise ships. I think he overdid it though-next time I bring the tylenol and a snack for him. He seems in less pain and it is easier to eat now as the swelling subsides. Only one week after surgery!
Kona has improved markedly, wagging her tail, eating her bland diet and watching us eat our non-bland diet. You know she's better when she watches your every move cooking dinner. Tomorrow we talk with Ardath about caring for the animals while we are gone.
Dennis has decided to sell his boat, and I think he is content with the price-this signals an acknowledgement of the future and a need to plan. As we contemplate what has to be done, Dennis says "We need to call __________ and tell them what is going on." I nod my head and make a note to remind him the next day. Today I found out which surgeon to visit to get the staples removed from his incision next week. Other than that we are maintaining our sanity by enjoying the greenness of Alaska, the wet weather (never thought I'd say that) and having our friends and family being in touch. Keep those comments coming, Faith and Dennis
It has been a long day, with Dennis rising with sun at 4 am. I could barely get up at that hour.
He is noticeably stronger, and there is less swelling at the surgery site. In fact the mastoid pain has subsided enough he is back to his old toast with cheese breakfast. Kona dog is improving too (perhaps those game meat and rice meals I have been making) and wagging her tail and watching us eat dinner like Snoopy on his doghouse. I must be doing something right, hmmmm.

Dennis called his mom today, and she was happy to hear from him. I am trying to e mail friends that have not heard from us in a while to let them know to join the blogsite. We are appreciating all the wonderful letters, thoughts, and prayers. Thanks, Sam, for the beautifully designed bird card and to the Samuelson kids-these young folks will grow up to be so caring. Thanks too to all those that contributed to the donation account mentioned in an earlier post on this blog, as we'll pay for the non medical costs of bringing Dennis's girls to Seattle before the surgery. I cannot walk in Ketchikan without people coming up and hugging me-thanks for the prayer chains and being included in everyone's thoughts and positive energies. As we make some hard decisions in the next two weeks we'll be strengthened by your support. Talk with you tomorrow, Faith and Dennis

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Father's Day to Remember

So now that we are home, Dennis and Kona are truely convalescing together. Dennis has found the therapuetic value of Sitka black tailed deer steaks and coffee milk shakes. Kona has realized that she was born to be spoiled, including shank meat and rice meals and short, "old lady" walks. ( Kona our lovely chocolate lab has pancreatitis and a mass was found next to her pancreas Monday).
Thank goodness for our local grocery-I made a tylenol run this morning-and for the brave heart that didn't want viacodin (who could blame him?) the tylenol and an ice pack did the trick-his mood has improved, his left eye aches less, and he talked to his girls on the phone today. There is still swelling and pain, but the incision looks significantly better.
The garden on our deck and in the greenhouse is in full bloom, so I had some quality time with the plants, made salmonberry jam, and Dennis got on the campfire and personally and read all the messages on the thread and started writing on the 'fire. This was after cleaning 262 messages out of his business e mail account. That's a lot of face time on the computer for having brain surgery six days ago.
Tomorrow we begin the process of sorting through mail, bills, paperwork and planning. We have had so many offers of airline miles, passes, fundraisers, and help-how can we ever thank everyone? You have lifted our spirits by your words on cards and letters and by your deeds. Keep all that positive energy coming, we'll need it over the coming weeks. Here's to our famly, our colleagues, and friends from all over the world, thank you so much. Best, Dennis and Faith, Kona, Max and Minnie

Home At Last

We are now home. It is wonderful to breathe the air, view the red sunset over the islands, and hear the eagles cry. Our beloved Kona dog is under the weather but is now soundly asleep next to Dennis's side of the bed. Friends have stopped over with food and gifts. Suitcases are emptied, mail is gone through. I take the blue surgical hat off Dennis's head; a small barrier along with gauze and antibiotic against airborne infection. He is very tired, very glad to be home, and I am glad we are ramping back on some medications. Happy Father's Day to all the pops and dads out there-I will be spending mine with a great one. More tomorrow, Faith

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Full Friday in the City

Another long day that began in the hospital with the consult from the nuero oncologist but ended with a lovely 12 block walk over the First Hill area of Seattle. Dennis was very vocal with the doctor and asked lots of good questions. His verbal skills are returning, but he is still frustrated by some word finding. He is still in pain and told the doc he doesn't like painkillers ,and doesn't want to take them (in no uncertain terms I might add). The swelling is slowly subsiding, but still pressing against staples and sutures. I have learned to be very careful about cleaning the incision. Friday was marked by a shower, a tiny sip of coffee at breakfast, a change in the anti-seizure medicine that affects him less markedly, lots of extra sleep, another tomato soup meal at a local cafe (we could write a restaurant guide here now) and preparing to leave. Thanks to Connie our Premera Blue Shield case manager, Jackie who amazingly got the ENTIRE medical record delivered to our hotel, the Hospital mailroom staff who took the extra weight off my hands and mailed a 17 pound box home, Lisa for delivery of uncanny nutrition support, Becky for taking our grocery order (heavy on the lime jello, he's from Missouri, after all) and Elizabeth for reminding me about curbside wheelchair pickup and delivery. In the afternoon we read all the blog comments since the surgery-phew, I laughed and he kind of chuckled at many of them-after a dinner of coffee ice cream for Dennis and leftovers for me, we walked through the cool evening air - and got homesick. We hear our lovely Kona dog hasn't been quite up to par - Ardath our wonderful pet parent has said the animals have had a perceptible change in behavior-by tomorrow night we'll all be together again, and hopefully all will be well. We'll bring you up to date when we settle back in at home on Revilla Island. Yours blogfully, D&F

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Discharged from the Hospital!

Ah, the penthouse room was short-lived....I guess there are too many sick folks. After seeing 20 nurses, physicians assistants, surgeon, techs this morning (only one that we requested) Dennis had had it-he could not sleep. So now, after dinner and a walk around the block, he is in his own bed at the Baroness Hotel; Faith in attendance, handing him his meds at the right time. The evenings are cool and relatively quiet - for a city - but after appointments with neuro oncologist tomorrow, we are packin' to go home. Yahoo! I read him all the 24 hour campfire posts tonight and he listened attentively to each one (28 pages worth in the thread so far) Tomorrow we'll read blog comments and eat coffee ice cream. Best wishes from us both, F&D

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Movin' on Up June 16th update from Faith

Dennis has been moved to the Neurology Floor - 17 flights up ( top of the hospital) with sweeping views of Lake Union, approaching weather, and everybody's roof garden. It is very full of light, quiet, and private. He is noticeably more content, and I believe I heard snores after a few minutes! Thanks again to our fantastic nurse Katy in the critical care unit. Today Dennis barely asked for pain meds (tough guy) and he's starting to speak more. Tomorrow I'll bring the laptop in and read all the new blogs and campfire threads to him, that will really lift his spirits. We hope to be home in Alaska on Saturday afternoon, and re-acquaint ourselves with sidekick Kona the 14 year old chocolate lab, and two Missouri barn cats, Max and Minnie, of equal age. Meanwhile, his healing from the surgery continues-with three titanium disks to stabilize the cranial bone, the surgeon says the next day or so is critical to reduction of swelling. I cannot imagine what TSA will think... Love to all, Faith

Dennis Neill Update - June 17, 2009 - 1pm

Dennis is progressing along pretty well. Up and moving around, eating more and appears to be recovering from surgery as expected. He is still in CCU - they are waiting for a room to come open on the 17th floor. Hopefully that will happen today.

The pathology has been completed. Unfortunately it confirms what was expected; "Stage IV Glioblastoma". This is a very agressive form of cancer. Treatment options are being discussed and analyzed. He needs to heal from the surgery before treatment can begin, so he has some time to decide a course of action.

Before the surgery he told me with a clear head and only the way Dennis can, "it is what it is and I have to deal with it". The man is not short on courage for sure. He has a hell of a fight in front of him and I know he appreciates your thoughts and comments.

The plan is for he and Faith to fly back to Ketchikan on Saturday and focus on post-op recovery. Then they will figure out what the next steps will be.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dennis Update June 16, 2009 - 9pm - From Faith

Hello everyone Thanks so much for the best wishes, stories and jokes, keep em coming. I promise to read them all to Dennis tomorrow as he gradually eases off the pain meds and begins to get more comfortable. Milestones today: walked three times up and down the critical care unit hallway from the big compass on the floor to the nurses station and back, once with Scott F assisting ( may have detected a bit of the Irish jig with me (Faith) at one point but maybe it was my imagination); withstood two MRIs and received two brief visits from his surgeon, a radiation and chemotherapy oncologist (one each), two physical therapists, the clinical nurse of the unit and the social worker; and finally, ordered tomato soup for dinner (his favorite comfort food). Healing from the surgery is going well, still lots of swelling and pain. He smiled broadly when he saw your portrait, Scott S! I know he is secretly flattered to have created a new tonsorial trend.
Tomorrow we look forward to moving on up in the world of hospital services to the nuerology ward on the 17th floor (called the penthouse by one of our critical care nurses). By the way, thanks to Shawna, Max, Katy and Dan these last four shifts-you are awesome. Love to all, Faith

Dennis Update - June 16, 2009 - 10:00 am

Dennis is doing ok this morning. He is pretty groggy and is resting a lot. He is in a little less pain and will have an MRI in the next half hour or so to make sure everything is in order from the surgery. They plan to move him out of the CCU and into a regular (more comfortable room) some time today. They want to get him up and moving today.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dennis Update - June 15, 2009 - 3:00 pm

We spent a couple hours with Dennis in CCU this afternoon. Faith is still with him. His daughters had to head back to LA. He is doing pretty good...better than I expected. Talks, listens, and sleeps. His throat is sore from the breathing tube and his head started to hurt so he is on some pretty strong pain meds so he is sleeping a lot.

Tomorrow morning they will do another MRI to make sure everything is still where it is supposed to be. They expect he will be moved to a regular room tomorrow. We still have not met with the radiologist/oncologist to discuss the next steps. Hopefully we will visit with them tomorrow.

I will print off all your comments tonight and give them to him tomorrow.

What You Can Do?

We have received numerous calls about where to send cards, gifts, etc. One thing is for certain, Dennis does not want flowers or fruit baskets! After talking with Dennis, we have created a recovery fund to help offset the many costs that will not be covered by insurance and to help offset the travel expenses for his daughters.

If you would like to make a donation to the fund here is the information:

Checks made out to: Faith Duncan (his wife)
Send to: Dennis Neill Donation Account
Alaska USA Bank
2417 Tongass Ave; Suite A
Ketchikan, AK 99901

You can also make a cash deposit at any Alaska USA Branch

For those who want to send cards and well wishes (don't send them to the bank address above), you can send them directly to him at:

Dennis Neill
P.O. Box 23383
Ketchikan, AK 99901

Dennis Update - June 15, 2009 - 11:30 am

Dennis is out of surgery! Faith and I met with the surgeon about an hour ago and he said everything went well. He is awake and all his neurological functions seem to be in order. There was no excessive bleeding or complications of any kind. The Dr. said we should be able to go see him in ICU in an hour or so.

Unfortunately, the frozen section analysis of the tumor showed it was cancer- in all likelihood a "glioblastoma". Once the pathology is done in a day or two we will know what the treatment options are.

I will update the blog after we visit Dennis.

Dennis Update - June 15, 2009 - 0720

Dennis got an early start, reporting to pre-surgery at 0515 this morning. As you might guess, he made several comments that he wasn't to fond of getting up this early unless it was to fish or hunt. He is in great spirits and was eager to get this over with. Oddly enough, I ran into his surgeon at breakfast and he said the surgery should be done at 10:00am and the Dr. will come out and visit us by 10:30 or 11:00am. I will provide an updated post as quickly as possible.

I will also be posting information on where to send cards, etc. We worked with their bank in Ketchikan to create a "Dennis Recovery Fund" to help offset the costs that will not be covered by his insurance. I will post the info as soon as I get it.

Keep the comments coming, Dennis just loves to read them and has had many a laugh reading them!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dennis Update - June 13, 2009 - 5:30pm

Not much to report at this time. Dennis is with his wife Faith and his daughters for the weekend. I can post what you all have been waiting for....before and after the haircut!

For those who have commented, Dennis is not entertaining any hair coloring at this time...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dennis Update - June 12, 2009 - 1:15pm

After a good night sleep by everyone, we spent the morning with the surgeons and specialists to get prepared for Monday morning. Dennis is doing good and Faith is being a rock! Monday we will go to the Hospital at 0530 for all the pre-op stuff and the surgery starts about 7:20am. Again, pretty straight forward surgery (as brain surgery goes). 2 - 2.5 hour surgery. He will be out for the surgery, but they will wake him shortly after they finish to check neurological function. They expect a day in ICU, another night in the hospital and he can leave.

Then once the pathology reports are done, he will meet with radiologists and oncologists to determine next steps.

The tentative plan is for him to stay in the Seattle area until Friday to discuss options with the specialists and hopefully head home to Ketchikan on Friday or Saturday. The surgeon told him he can and should be active and get up and moving as soon as possible. It is very common for people to have these types of surgery and be out and about in a couple days.

Dennis' daughters will be here in a couple hours and they will all get to spend the weekend hanging out in downtown Seattle. As I mentioned, Dennis is feeling good, needs to nap every once in a while after the meds, but otherwise good. Sometimes he takes calls and sometimes he doesn't want to...probably best not to overdue the calls. He has no trouble reading and loves to read the comments you post.

Hopefully with the next post I will have some info on "what you can do" to help as so many have asked.

P.S. Dennis is going to get a haircut this weekend...buzz cut...we will definitely take a couple pictures!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Your Comments are Appreciated

At the end of each entry you can click on "comments". No need to respond to our updates, but Dennis would love to hear from you. So go ahead and drop him a line...he loves the reading!

A Note from Faith

Well, I have arrived in Seattle and Dennis and I and Scott Fitzwilliams are taking everything one day at a time. We are looking forward to the girls arriving tomorrow. Many thanks to all those that have entered the thousands of well wishes (literally) in e mails on the campfire, on the blog, have called and have kept us in their prayers-we appreciate every single thought. Many thanks too, for the many large and small deeds that have added up to great comfort. Each of these makes a huge difference. From the new found friend in Fort Collins that showed up last night with food (I was on travel for work when Dennis was moved south from Ketchikan), to our awesome home and animal caretaker, to our friend that went along with Dennis on the medivac, to another that took notes while the surgeon explained everything; Susan, Ardath, Scott S, and Scott F you know who you are. Thank you all and catch you all on the rebound the next couple of days. Best, F

Dennis Update 6/11/09 4:30pm

We just finished meeting with the surgeon, et al. He went through the results of the MRI. All indications are that this indeed is a "primary brain tumor" - in all likelihood cancerous; but they will not know for sure until the pathology is complete. There is a slim chance it is a benign cyst or absess, but doubtful. As soon as Dennis wakes up from his nap (meds knocked him out a bit) we are getting the heck out of here for a few days. Dennis and Faith have a hotel across the street and we will enjoy the sites and sounds of Seattle for the next few days. Dennis' daughters will be coming in tomorrow.

Surgery is scehduled for 7:20am on Monday morning. Doc says it is a pretty straight forward procedure. Should take about 2 hours to remove the tumor. Then a day or two in ICU and if everything goes as planned he can go home in 2-5 days after the surgery. Once all the pathology gets back, the next phase of this thing will start with radiologists and oncologists to determine a course of action.

Right now, Faith and I have things somewhat under control here. Dennis is very grateful for all the kind words and thoughts and prayers. He is hell bent on going hunting this fall... His spirits are good and understands he has a fight ahead of him.

Faith and I will discuss logistics, "needs and wants" later tonight. I will let you know what we come up with. I have received calls about sending flowers, cards, money, etc. Hang on for right now, we will get that worked out.

Dennis Update 6/11/09 - 11am Pacific Time

Most of you are aware that Dennis was medevaced from Ketchikan to Seattle yesterday. CT scans show he has a large lesion (tumor) on the left side ofhis brain affecting his speach at times. Dennis, Scott Snelson and I met with the neurologist this am and at this time we dont't know exactly what it is. He is having an MRI and we will know more this afternoon.

He is in good spirits and his family will be joining him later today and tomorrow.He is at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle. (206-624-1144 rm: 1767). He is taking calls and seems ok with talking. If you do call, note that he understands everything you say but at times he mixes up words.... Please pass this on to others who would want to know.

The TENTATIVE plan is for Dennis to leave the hospital over the weekend and have surgery on Monday. But the results of the MRI will provide more details. I will try to keep you all updated as I can.