Monday, August 8, 2011

Blueberry Fesitval and Summer Activities

Let's see, first news is Dennis is feeling good-with the minor inconvenience of a toothache this week and then suddenly taking ill after eating nutrasweet in a milkshake (that set him back a whole week, he is allergic to phenylalanine, the active ingredient in nutrasweet). He's been hiking every day, taking long power naps, and generally feeling fine. His next MRI is on September 26th, and we'll both fly south for that.

Our yard sales went fine, people actually bought stuff! Hooray!! With the help of many friends we help put up the booth and unpack all the canned goods and fabric goodies for Faith's booth at the Blueberry Festival-she was so tired she fell asleep during the picture....

The weather here was cool and wet early in the summer so the berry picking schedule is really off this year. I continue to pick whenever possible. We are looking forward to visits from Neice Bobby this month and then daughter Heather next month-they are going out in the skiff with Dennis to slaughter the Silvers! Heather, and now Erin and Glen have moved to Colorado and are all in the Denver area. Wishing you a happy summer, Faith and Dennis