Monday, June 29, 2009

Moving On

Today was eventful in the Neill household. There was lots of activity as the boat was for sale. A box full of personal belongings was mailed to the hotel (Dennis did not want to be without his press coffee pot for his new decaf needs), and for the second day in a row, no tylenol was consumed in the household. Dennis's incision is now pretty well healed shut and his forehead sports an awesome scar. Despite a lot of energy in the morning, by 9 pm both of us are exhausted.

I had a suggestion from a blogeriffic friend today-they suggested that turning off your pop-up blocker might allow you to add comments. Contrary to what I said yesterday, being able to comment is independent of whether you are a follower. This blogmeister also took my pen name back, so now, alas, I am just Faith Duncan, spouse of "Stands with Phone", AKA "Silver Tongue", and "Kicking Bird". All those stories will await another day.... Cheers, Faith


Unknown said...

To go through even only the blogasphere with the identity of Scott Fitzwilliams can't really be a good option, Faith. Think about it. Congratulations on resuming your own name.

Dennis, your progress is quite remarkable. Two weeks past surgery and you are not even taking tylenol? After working with the Tongass leadership team all those years, I knew you were tough, but this leaves that in the dust. Don't be too tough, okay? A little tylenol now and then would be normal for us people of a certain age, let alone those who've had their heads opened up.

Well, on to the rest of my day. More fire training awaits, yippee, and a high of 101. Keep cool, man. Love, Patty

Unknown said...

This week I have wed and fri off so give me call if you want to hang out or ship some stuff. I will have my cell on those days but of course it doesn't work at my house.

Looks like it will be a nice day. Enjoy it!
