Friday, June 19, 2009

A Full Friday in the City

Another long day that began in the hospital with the consult from the nuero oncologist but ended with a lovely 12 block walk over the First Hill area of Seattle. Dennis was very vocal with the doctor and asked lots of good questions. His verbal skills are returning, but he is still frustrated by some word finding. He is still in pain and told the doc he doesn't like painkillers ,and doesn't want to take them (in no uncertain terms I might add). The swelling is slowly subsiding, but still pressing against staples and sutures. I have learned to be very careful about cleaning the incision. Friday was marked by a shower, a tiny sip of coffee at breakfast, a change in the anti-seizure medicine that affects him less markedly, lots of extra sleep, another tomato soup meal at a local cafe (we could write a restaurant guide here now) and preparing to leave. Thanks to Connie our Premera Blue Shield case manager, Jackie who amazingly got the ENTIRE medical record delivered to our hotel, the Hospital mailroom staff who took the extra weight off my hands and mailed a 17 pound box home, Lisa for delivery of uncanny nutrition support, Becky for taking our grocery order (heavy on the lime jello, he's from Missouri, after all) and Elizabeth for reminding me about curbside wheelchair pickup and delivery. In the afternoon we read all the blog comments since the surgery-phew, I laughed and he kind of chuckled at many of them-after a dinner of coffee ice cream for Dennis and leftovers for me, we walked through the cool evening air - and got homesick. We hear our lovely Kona dog hasn't been quite up to par - Ardath our wonderful pet parent has said the animals have had a perceptible change in behavior-by tomorrow night we'll all be together again, and hopefully all will be well. We'll bring you up to date when we settle back in at home on Revilla Island. Yours blogfully, D&F


Kittitaswanderers said...


I just found out about all this as we have been in the Yukon Territory while it was all going on and just got back into Alaska last night.

I talked with grasshopper(Edward) this morning and we both agree you have one of the best, if not the best, attitudes on life in general so that this will be just another setback along the way for you. I know you have done much in the past to help others and it is now time for others to help you. I am sure I am not alone in that thinking.

Take care now and know that you are in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

ALMOST home!!! I just know that the restorative beauty of Ketchikan (and loving attention of Kona, Max and Min)will get you back on your feet faster than anything else. Enjoy the coffee ice cream, the lime jello (!?!), the cool, Alaska evening breezes and the comfort of being home with your loved ones.

Folks all across the country are holding you in one big bear hug (and that's an Alaskan brown bear hug to boot!!)

Thanks so much for all the posts Dennis and Faith -- I know it helps all of us who feel too far away right now -- and want to send all our love and best wishes your way.

With much love...
Dave, Sandy and Mayalita

Unknown said...

Good morning F and D: Glad you have had a chance to relax a little in Seattle. Walking twelve blocks over First Hill five days after brain surgery is pretty miraculous, I think. If you do it again, hook up that overloaded game cart to Dennis so it is more of a challenge.

Dennis, I've been thinking about Father's Day coming tomorrow and all the fathers I know that have inspired me. You are in the top ten. I'll always remember the story of your daughter when she was young and ill and what you went through then. You are one courageous father. You have shown toughness that few people are asked to muster (thank goodness)and that's why I know you'll come through all this okay. You and Faith have a good trip home, my friend, and best wishes to you on Father's Day. Love, Patty

Unknown said...

It was good to see you come off the plane today! I would have visited if I had known you had all this excitement going on. I was taking a boring training class in Seattle on June 11th. I did go a day early and stay a day late.

I hope you guys get a chance to recover from your journey tonight.

I have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off every week if either or both of you want to do something, go somewhere or just want some Bryer's coffee icecream delivered to your house!
