Thursday, June 18, 2009

Discharged from the Hospital!

Ah, the penthouse room was short-lived....I guess there are too many sick folks. After seeing 20 nurses, physicians assistants, surgeon, techs this morning (only one that we requested) Dennis had had it-he could not sleep. So now, after dinner and a walk around the block, he is in his own bed at the Baroness Hotel; Faith in attendance, handing him his meds at the right time. The evenings are cool and relatively quiet - for a city - but after appointments with neuro oncologist tomorrow, we are packin' to go home. Yahoo! I read him all the 24 hour campfire posts tonight and he listened attentively to each one (28 pages worth in the thread so far) Tomorrow we'll read blog comments and eat coffee ice cream. Best wishes from us both, F&D


Anonymous said...

Great news, Faith and Dennis. Keep us all posted!!!!!

Lauren said...

Awesome! Very Glad to hear it. Kick ass, Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Just left this on the 'fire, man...

Less than two days, meee'za man....and you are HOME. I know of a certain dog that will be MORE than happy to see you. Prolly outta get ready to forge a spot RIGHT next to you, cuz Nurse Kona is gonna be ready for action:giggllin':....

Hate to sound like a sticky CD but Ned and I are still sending positive thoughts/prayer your way. Know, for certain, you have a host of ppl by your side, in spirit/prayer. That's a fact, Jack!

Now, go get some good zzzzzz's and eat something! Still have a hard time understanding why you can't sugar the idea of a FREE fruit basket or flowers.....what's wrong with you, man????? :gigglin':.....

Same ole same ole, Giant Bear Hugs to you and Faith,
Jane and Ned

Anonymous said...

Dennis and Faith,

Nothing like a brown dog and two cats that think they are brown dogs to help one heal. So I am very glad to hear you are out of the hospital and headed home in a few days. Hope to see you very soon.
-Erin D.

Anonymous said...

Coffee ice cream? I knowed you was all right! ;)

Nothing like house and home to speed your recovery.

Welcome home Dennis and Faith!


Denise Tomlin said...

Stands With Phone!
Great to hear you're out of the hospital. Hope you had ginger with your coffee ice cream. Was thinking about you and Dave and Ed and Lynno playing horseshoes at Twin Lakes/Turquoise Lake back in the day. Don't recall that many shoes making it around the peg, though!! Stay strong, Denise T.

Heather Neill said...

Mmmmm coffee ice cream! I am jealous, I want some! Glad you are out of that noisy you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis --

I'm glad you are out of the hospital and returning to the place you love. I've been thinking of you and Faith. And recalling, with a smile, some of the times we had together in Colorado. Stay strong...

Diane Hitchings

Kent Cummins said...

Tough as nails! Must be those Missouri roots ... seeing how it's so close to Oklahoma and all :)

Always in our thoughts and prayers from the Interior ... Kent, Linda, Isaac

Unknown said...

Thinking of you Dennis as I was walking my dogs in the Vermont sun this evening(just like AK one has to get out in the sun around here when it shines). I was telling my dogs (yes, I now have two) about those those early morning Tongass Congressional requests. Me in DC looking at the clock guessing what you'd be doing about then... holding off calling you until you were coffee'd up and were walking your dog, but still not quite in the office yet. Perfect timing. You were always there Dennis, and I just want you to know, I'm here for you.


Ron Jablonski said...

Great news! "Charlie Manson" is headed home. Been a fer piece since the days of gadwalls in the San Luis valley... Keep up the fight and we'll keep up the energy.
All our best......
Ron, Ron III and Lou Jablonski and Pearl (aka Shaniqua) the black lab

Kittitaswanderers said...
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