Monday, June 15, 2009

Dennis Update - June 15, 2009 - 3:00 pm

We spent a couple hours with Dennis in CCU this afternoon. Faith is still with him. His daughters had to head back to LA. He is doing pretty good...better than I expected. Talks, listens, and sleeps. His throat is sore from the breathing tube and his head started to hurt so he is on some pretty strong pain meds so he is sleeping a lot.

Tomorrow morning they will do another MRI to make sure everything is still where it is supposed to be. They expect he will be moved to a regular room tomorrow. We still have not met with the radiologist/oncologist to discuss the next steps. Hopefully we will visit with them tomorrow.

I will print off all your comments tonight and give them to him tomorrow.


Unknown said...

The Whole Doyle Gang have you in our thoughts and prayers. Look forward to resuming our end of the day discussions upon your return. I think Faith is planning a little R&R in Petersburg which I think is a great idea. However, she won't let me send you a fruit basket.

Scott F. has come so far from what I recall you telling me about his early days and how you mentored him. I'll bet he Twitters.

I guess the same can be said about me.

See you soon.

Ron Jablonski said...

All your friends at the Medora RD in North Dakota send their best energy and prayers for your full and speedy recovery. We know you will fight the good fight.
All our best to Faith, and "Skippy" as well.....
Ron Jablonski
Medora Ranger District
Dakota Prairie Grasslands

Shootinglady said...

Glad to hear the surgery went well!

Anonymous said...

Dennis, Faith and family - as a former cancer patient and now 6 year survivor, just want you to know that my most powerful "tools" are my family and friends and of course a great sense of humor. It sounds like you have all 3 of those, so you are already well on the road to recovery. Wishing you a quick recovery and speedy return to Alaska! /s/ Valorie Nelson

Unknown said...

Ok, we're on for hunting this fall!! I love you.

Kent Cummins said...


Your "stubborn" roots will see you through this!

You've taught me a lot as a mentor and friend ... I'm anxious to resume the lessons and discussions!

Press on brother, fight and we'll be fishing soon!

Kent, Linda and Isaac

Pat and Carolyn Heuer said...

Glad hear the surgery went so smoothly. You’re going get over this little bump in the road and be back in the saddle before you know it. You know, if you keep your hair short, that’s a few less pounds you’ll have to pack up the mountain in pursuit of your goat this fall. You’ll be happy to know we caught a few kings this weekend and we’re going to use your award winning Gravlax recipe on some of it.

Hang in there buddy.

Pat, Emma and Carolyn

Unknown said...

Hi Dennis,
Wishing you well during this big event. You'll be up & running again soon enough so be sure to take it easy while you can. It's your turn to be the center of the universe for a while. Warmest regards,
Joann Flora

Tom and Gerry Puchlerz said...

Dennis, we're glad you got through the surgery well and are recuperating. Looking forward to seeing you this fall for a little bird hunting on the lease. Seeing lotsa fawns around the house and it looks like good nesting season is shaping up. Heading back east tomorrow to visit my Mom but will keep in touch through the blog. Hi to faith and the girls. Tom and Gerry

Anonymous said...

Dennis, The entire K Bar Z Family is sending specail thoughts, prayers and wishes your way. We look forward to the day when you return to hunt with us in Wyoming. Your little black mustang, (Nevada) is ready and waiting to take you anywhere you want to go. Best wishes dear friend and we hope you have a speedy recovery. Troy, Dawna, Elliot, Marianne, Dave and all the kids.

Unknown said...

Hiya Dennis. So glad to know that you are done with the first step of life's next journey and are moving toward recovery and healing. Say, what kind of pain meds do they have you on? I'm only asking because I have a bunch of travel management public meetings this week.... I will probably be needing a little something. Of course, you wouldn't understand that, as YOU ARE RETIRED, a far off world that waits for me in 10? 12? years. Jane better not want to go to graduate school is all I say. Get some rest. I'm sure you're looking forward to going home. Love, Patty

Pete said...

Hi, Dennis. I've been thinking a lot about you lately... as have many of your friends. I've recalled a lot of your pearls of wisdom, your nuggets of humor, that I've squirreled away in hidden nooks and crannies. Take care of yourself (and let others help for a change!) and draw on some of that positive energy people have been sending your way to heal up. Your friend, Pete

Anonymous said...

Getting ready to head off to beddy-bye....but wanted to let you know that Ned and I will be saying another special prayer and sending more positive thoughts your way tonight.

Hoping tonight brings you peaceful rest and that tomorrow finds you in good spirits, and one step closer to getting back home.

Giant Bear Hugs to all,
Jane and Ned

Becky Nourse said...

Hi Dennis!
Glad the first step is over and all went smoothly. Snelson told me three times today that he was gonna do the "doo"...but everytime I saw him he still had his mane of hair. However, I see by the photo he has now posted that he finally went through with the buzz. My word! The likeness is uncanny. You two together will be a scary sight when you get back up here!! Anyway, get some rest, promise you won't share your painkillers with Patty, and we'll see you soon. Love, Becky

Unknown said...

I just took a good look at Snelson's latest photo, and am in need of pain killers now! And the resemblance is quite uncanny, I agree. Dennis and Scott can sort out if that is a compliment or not.

Beth (NAI office) said...

Dennis, I don't know you, but I have known Faith for a couple of years now through NAI and I wanted to let you (both) know that you have been in my prayers ever since we heard what was going on when Faith was here in Fort Collins. May your recovery be quick and complete so you can get back to doing the things you love!

Anonymous said...

Dennis, Scott called me yesterday and gave me the good news that the surgery had gone well and even in your drug induced loopy state you were back to what passes for normal for you. I'm thrilled to hear it, Debby and girls send their love, as I do of course. Let's talk when you get up to it. Brain tumor or not, you still got the fold out bed in the big pool house, unless you can guilt Chuck or John into their rooms, rots of ruck.
Gary & Debby Qualls