Monday, December 7, 2009

Back home in Southeast Alaska for the winter, and a big change in our lives...

While the bulk of information in these blogs has been about me and the recent medical course of my life, today is focused around a different event. This morning we took our loving and wondrous 14 1/2-year-old chocolate Lab to our veterinarian and held with her while he released her from her terminal pains. Kona and I had just returned from Montana and other points south; returning on the AMHS Malaspina To Ketchikan on Sunday morning. While she, I and all our friends had greatly enjoyed her presence down south, it was clear that the last few days had become much less pleasant to her. It was time for her to go, and she has gone on to a new version of the Happy Hunting Grounds. It is my hope and belief that when it is my time to cross over the Great Line, she will be there, restored in health, waiting for me.

Here are some happier pics...

She has been a grand joy to our lives for the past 14 and a half years, and being without her is already difficult. I missed her for two months this summer, while I was being treated at Virginia Mason; then had the joy of taking her the same length of time to Montana, South Dakota and Idaho to go hunting and visit our friends -- both two and four-legged ones. She only began going physically downhill toward the end of the trip, as we headed home...almost as if she knew her time was coming to an end. Aand now it has, for her. We are moving forward, knowing we will always miss her and remember her for the joy she gave us.

Here's hoping your moments with your pets, family and friends have bright moments the next few weeks...

Dennis and Faith


Lauren said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Kona. It always feels premature when our pets leave us, as they are family members. But like you, I remember that her absence is evidence of the end of her suffering, and in that find comfort. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well Dennis. Peace to you and your family!

Jeff said...

Dennis and Faith- I was sorry to read about your loss of Kona, but I am glad you were blessed with a good trip south, and enjoyed her company.


Unknown said...

So sorry about Kona. She was a wonderful dog. Love ya, Jenny