Sunday, November 29, 2009

Closing out November; getting ready to head home.

Tomorrow is the last day of November, and Faith and I are in Seattle for an Avastin infusion tomorrow. This morning we were in Fort Benton, Montana, after celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday with our grand friends Laurie, Jack, Bentley and Johnna. The delayed Thanksgiving dinner plan turned out to be a really good one, when Erin harvested her mule deer buck on Thursday afternoon -- a really nice one, I might add! Here they are, after we got it back to camp and hung it from the tripod. I took a "B" tag doe the day before, to go with the doe I took in South Dakota and the buck I took earlier in November. This has been a grand hunting trip, and not taking an elk or antelope is just part of the events. We all have plenty of meat now -- Erin, Heather and Faith and I -- and we had a wonderful time at various points and events. Erin and Heather got a good break from southern California, where they live, work, play, teach and learn...and Faith came here from a professional conference where she was honored with a national Forest Service award!
Tomorrow, after my various medical events, Faith and I will return to Missoula, MT. She will be there for one more day, and I will stay butcher, grind, vacuum-seal and freeze the two remaining deer at the home of our great friends Orville and Olleka -- who have provided me far more help than I can ever describe -- then head for Bellingham for Friday afternoon's rendevous with the AMHS ferry headed back to Ketchikan. This has been a great seven weeks, though I should probably apologize for not reporting events all that regularly during my adventures. I feel ever so much better than I did in October when I headed south, both physically and emotionally. Now being home in Alaska will be wonderful too, and I will continue to improve my health.
Thanks again for all your help and support...
Dennis and Faith


Pat Heuer said...

Dennis - Glad to hear of the successful hunts and the good times had by all and that everyhting is going so well!!

Sill in pursuit of a deer or two for the freezer myself. looking forward to geting out when the weather cooperates. Pickled some Kelp this weekend and a started a another batch of Gravlox.

Will look forward to seeing you the next time I get to Ketchikan.

- -Pat

Unknown said...

Hi Dennis and Faith! It's been quite a while since I've read of your lives; it seems I've picked the right time to re-engage as I get to hear all about the hunting adventures. As always, they are fascinating. I'm especially glad to hear that the treatments are going very well and the pills, poking and prodding are having a positive outcome. Life down this way is good. I won't mention the weather as you head back to Ketchikan and November liquid sunshine. Let's just leave it that I have been working in the backyard lately. Matt recently had the audacity to complain about the day length. I just gave him the look. How quickly we forget. Take care, a belated happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Love, Patty