Dennis also had a productive meeting with the speech pathologist who is working on exercises that use the brain to help with short term memory issues and the anomia, or inability to use nouns propoerly.
Summer has finally hit our island in southeast Alaska. Dennis fills his days with hikes, berry picking, helping me with Blueberry festival doings, and planning fall hunts...We are both looking forward to traveling to Denver area to meet the new grandbaby this fall. Dennis has hunting plans for Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota this year.
Faith's comfort Quilt that went to a healing friend
Although blood tests have shown no change, at the end of a year the doctors like to take patients off the chemotherapy-it causes leukemia or blood borne cancers with continued use. We are staying in Alaska while I work on the Forest and looking forward to Dennis's steady improvements throughout the Fall. Many of our friends have become ill lately and we send prayers and best wishes to you to steadily improve and regain health, Faith and Dennis